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Census 2020

Census day: April 1, 2020

What is the Census?

2020 Census Logo

The census is an official count of the U.S. population that takes place every ten years in every state. The data gathered in our state is used to make decisions about Nebraska’s political representation and our share of federal tax dollars.

That means every ten years, we can play a role in our democracy and how federal funding is allocated—on programs impacting education, transportation, health care, and many other critical services in Nebraska. This only happens when we all participate in the 2020 Census.

Why Should You Complete the Census?

exclamation point in circle

It's Important

The 2020 Census counts are used for reapportionment, redistricting, distribution of federal funds. An accurate count is essential for our state.


It's Easy

You can complete the census online, using your smartphone, over the phone, or by filling out a paper form. It will ask for your name, address, sex, age, race, ethnicity, relationship and housing tenure.


It's Safe

The privacy of your responses is guaranteed by law. The Census Bureau cannot share your answers with the FBI, the CIA, welfare, immigration, or even the President.


It's Required

Responding to the Census is required by Title 13 of the United States Code, the same law that guarantees the privacy of your responses.

Complete the Census

In 2020, you can respond to the census online (using a computer or smartphone), over the telephone, or by submitting a paper form. Click the button below to respond online or learn more about your options.

Census 2020 Videos

  • Click here to watch a short PSA from the U.S. Census Bureau that explains the importance and purpose of the 2020 Census.

  • Can each of us shape the future of the United States? Yes, we can. Because every ten years, the census gives us that power. Shape your future by responding to the 2020 Census.

  • Join President Carter and your fellow students and colleagues from across the University — by answering the call and being counted for the 2020 Census.

Census 2020 Key Info

For more detail or information on the 2020 Census, visit the State Data Center/UNO Center for Public Affairs Research.

Nebraska and Federal Funds from the Census (PDF)

Why the 2020 Census is Important for Nebraska (PDF)


The amount Nebraska received in FY2016, guided by data derived from the 2010 Census


Number of federal spending programs that allocate money to Nebraska, based on 2010 Census data


The dollars lost to Nebraska over a 10-year span based on one missed resident in the Census


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