Faculty IP Innovation and Commercialization Award (FIPICA)
Honors members of the University of Nebraska faculty who have developed and nurtured new intellectual property from concept to licensing / startup business.
Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award (ORCA)
The Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award (ORCA) honors members of the University of Nebraska faculty who have conducted outstanding research or creative activity of national/international significance. The winner is awarded $10,000.
Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award (OTICA)
The Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award (OTICA) honors members of the University of Nebraska faculty who have developed meritorious and sustained records of excellence in teaching and creativity related to teaching. The winner is awarded $10,000.
Innovation, Development, and Engagement Award (艾可直播)
The Innovation, Development, and Engagement Award (艾可直播) honors members of the University of Nebraska faculty who have extended their academic expertise beyond the boundaries of the University in ways that have enriched the broader community. The winner is awarded $10,000.
Innovations in Student Success Award (ISSA)
Honors a faculty led or faculty-involved team effort that has made a unique and significant contribution to improving undergraduate six-year graduation rates. This award honors specific and successful innovations designed to improve retention and graduation rates among students the unit serves in a major, within a school, within a college, or throughout a campus.
University-wide Departmental Teaching Award (UDTA)
The University-wide Departmental Teaching Award (UDTA) honors a department/unit at the University of Nebraska which has outstanding esprit de corps in its dedication to the education of students at the undergraduate, graduate, or professional levels. The honored department is awarded $25,000.